Thursday, May 2, 2019

 VCT (Virtual Coordinator Training)

Many of us aware that technology advancement has brought the efficiency for communication. The case also comes into the education sector. There are a lot of changes has emerged due to the technology advancement. Among them are sharing files, collaborating with colleagues,  and even discussing the important issues in educational field.

These benefits raised optimism that teachers will play crucial and determinant factors to develop the quality of education in Indonesia. Teachers will share more often on educational issues, hence, making them have positive input to apply on their own setting.

What is then VCT? How does VCT have the role in developing the quality of teachers in Indonesia? Let us unpack one by one! VCT as stated earlier is Virtual Coordinator Training. The training enables participants to at least to act out on three different roles. They are as Host, Moderator, and Presenter.
1. Host
Host can be named as the guardian of the session. He or she is the one holding the room session. He or she is encharged for assigning the person to be a moderator and a presenter. In doing this, he or she must first have the room session with him or her. then he or she has to assign who will become a moderator and a presenter. when ready, he or she introduces a moderator and a presenter. afterward, he or she informs the audience of session about the rules of the session just before giving the responsibility to the moderator to take care the rest. Host is also responsible for managing the session in its place, muting any unpredictable sounds that might interfere the conduct of the session. 

2. Moderator

Becoming moderator, a participant of VCT should have the ability to manage the session of presentation of a presenter. He or she must introduce the presenter and the overview of the subject matter brought. During the session, the moderator must also manage the question and answer session, making sure that all questions have the answer from the presenter. Just before the session ends, a moderator must resume the overall conduct of presentation. 

3. Presenter
Presenter is the one as the key role to present the issue he or she would like to share. He or she has the occasion to share his or her thoughts to share with. this is the moment when all teachers around the world can share and learn from him in an online mode through cisco WebEx medium. even though it is not long enough, it trains teachers to be the one having the courage and willingness to share.

These three things have trained teachers in so many sub skills. Doing this, teachers intentionally lift up their degree by providing their time, managing their preferences, and even selecting their main concern to share with. Doing this, teachers have raised their own standard to have better IT literacy. in addition to this, teachers are also sharpened their skills in designing flyer and better skill in writing the narration of the event from other speakers.

For sure, with those things in place, VCT has enabled teachers collaborate better in effective and efficient mode. the selection of issue has never been limited, therefore teachers will be able to learn so many aspects of discipline without worrying their previous educational background.

Knowing the case of these all, If you are interested in taking a part becoming participant, join by filling in the following form

When you have been a participant in the previous batch and willing to dedicate yourself in assisting other teachers learn, please do not hesitate to join us as instructor by filling in the following form

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